At Club Venetian, we are COVID-19 friendly meaning that we abide by the states 100 person mandate. Our prime location and beautiful facility will provide you and your guests with a seamlessly pleasing experience. Come celebrate your event with us and we will make sure that everyone at your event has a great time!
event venue
Celebrating Outdoors at Club Venetian
Our latest party was held outdoors to keep people safer while celebrating a milestone birthday. We can accommodate up to the 100-person limit for outdoor gatherings. Contact Club Venetian today to learn how we can help you commemorate your special occasion.
Club Venetian Outdoor Event Under a Tent
We want to commemorate your special occasion but we want to do it as safe as possible. That is why we are setting up tents outdoors for this celebration. If you are looking to book an upcoming or future event, contact Club Venetian to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff or to arrange for a tour.
Book Your Future Event With Us

Now that there is promise with vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 on the horizon, we look so forward to opening our halls and hearing the laughter, music and celebratory toasts reverberating from our walls. We feel so blessed to have been a part of so many wonderful people’s life milestones. It’s the greatest job on earth to provide an elegant banquet facility and supreme dining experience that makes significant events extra special. If you are interested in learning more or touring Club Venetian for your future event, please contact us. We look forward to speaking with you.
Booking for a Future Wedding?

We Are Open with Limited Office Hours
Club Venetian is excited to announce that we are reopening and taking reservations for future events! Please note that we have limited office hours. Contact us through our website or call and leave a message with your name and number. We will return your call to discuss details and arrange a time to tour our facility. For everyone’s safety, visiting our banquet hall is by appointment only.